Compounding ancillary factors such as variations in inlet flow conditions, the Newtonian fluid assumption and physical aneurysm orientation can plausibly influence resulting haemodynamic forces, though future work is needed to expand the specific relationships. Moreover, these factors, some of which could be time or spatially varying, hinder the robustness of both WSS and RRT and their ability to inform aneurysm stability. For example, the assessed stability of the basilar tip aneurysm here would likely be different based on the WSS distribution obtained from the full resolution CFD versus that obtained from the full resolution STB. AB – This paper compares numerical predictions of turbulence intensity with in vivo measurement.
2) Inhaled 129Xe will take longer to displace the air that was initially inside the airway due to the low velocities in the boundary layer. 3) The slow-moving flow in the boundary layer will also remain in the airway for longer. Hyperpolarized 129Xe MR signal decays according to radiofrequency pulse excitation and the longitudinal relaxation time , and thus, the longer the 129Xe remains in the airway, the more signal decay it will be subjected to. To eliminate this potential source of error, the boundary layer was removed by eroding the mask by 1 voxel at the boundary and the agreement between the two methods was re-evaluated. A further possible cause for differences in PC MRI- and CFD-derived velocity maps reported in this in vivo study compared to previous studies is upper airway motion.
However, the calibration errors were consistent with those observed in well-controlled TOMO-PIV experiments. To further ensure the accuracy of the STB data, a portion of data was processed using the traditional TOMO-PIV multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique processing . Due to the complex, highly curved aneurysm geometries which amplify small and unavoidable refractive index mismatches within the test section, ghost particles were expected to be higher using MART. When compared with MART, STB’s use of temporal information reduced the percentage of estimated ghost particles from about 10% to less than 1%. The effect of voxel averaging and spatial resolution on haemodynamic metric magnitudes has also been a growing concern. Roloff et al. demonstrated reductions in velocity magnitude by as much as 10–20% because of voxel averaging.
Correlation between the two techniques in the airways may differ from that in previously reported vascular studies for several reasons. Respiratory PC MRI involves inhalation of exogeneous 129Xe gas as a contrast agent whilst in hemodynamics endogenous blood is imaged directly. In fact, in some cardiovascular studies, PC MRI velocity values are used to define the CFD inlet boundary condition , thus leading to better agreement in the upstream flow rates.
Fig 4 shows the first 5 dynamic images of a 10-image dynamic time-series PC MRI dataset acquired from subject 1, depicting all three components of velocity, in addition to its magnitude. In general, velocity in the foot-to-head direction, vFH, showed the highest velocity values, which is expected as the direction of airflow is largely aligned with the main axis of the airway. Velocity in the anterior-to-posterior direction, vAP, showed moderate-high velocity regions malahov andrei in the nasopharynx and in regions where the airway turns significantly. The velocity field produced by CFD simulations has a much finer spatio-temporal resolution than that derived from PC MRI (~0.1 mm3, 0.05 ms vs ~1 mm2 in-plane, ~10 mm through-plane, ~3–5 s). Therefore, velocity from all CFD cells that correspond to the volume of each MRI voxel are spatially averaged to produce the mean value for a cell of identical spatial resolution to the PC MRI data.
Physics > Fluid Dynamics
We compare wall shear stress , oscillatory shear index , and relative residence time across each modality. The results demonstrated that OSI, a non-dimensional parameter, was the most robust and consistent across modalities and spatiotemporal resolution. We have proposed two methods to improve the robustness of our comparisons between PC MRI and CFD; removal of the outer boundary layer of the PC MRI and CFD maps, and spatial down-sampling of PC MRI and CFD data. At the boundary, the discrepancy between PC MRI and CFD is large, and may be explained by the low velocities of gas at the wall. Fluid near a wall moves much more slowly than fluid in the center of the conduit; this slow-moving region is often termed the “boundary layer”.
- In addition, a different radiofrequency coil was used for MR signal detection due to the different nuclei and since these coils were incompatible, the subject may have changed position during the coil switching process.
- The effect of voxel averaging and spatial resolution on haemodynamic metric magnitudes has also been a growing concern.
- The thrombus predicted by CFD was observed on the wall surface of the housing in the inflow and outflow parts.
- The concept of dynamic similarity implies that the flow patterns recorded with 129Xe will be equivalent to air flowing at a different flow rate.
Figure 4 Mass fraction of the particle size distribution produced by the Novolizer DPI and Respimat SMI inhalers. Values for the Respimat PSD were reported in the study of Steed et al. , whereas new values for the Novolizer at a constant flow rate of 80 LPM were measured in this study. MRI-based measurements of aerosol deposition in the lung of healthy and elastase-treated rats. Reproducibility of haemodynamical simulations in a subject-specific stented aneurysm model–a report on the Virtual Intracranial Stenting Challenge 2007. Figure 7 Regional deposition fraction predictions for the Novolizer in B4-B7 and B8-B15 implementing the more accurate polydisperse simulation vs. the monodisperse approximation. Implementing the correction factor of 1.25×MMAD cannot fully account for deposition of the polydisperse aerosol in these two different lung regions.
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Generic drug developers may then use this IVIVC to interpret in vitro results in a manner that may increase confidence in their products prior to in vivo testing. CFD simulations of respiratory airflow are widely used to quantify and visualize the function of the human airways. This study is the first assessment of the similarity between maps of respiratory airflow velocity calculated by CFD simulations and 129Xe PC MRI obtained in vivo in humans. Given the flow-field variations across modalities, it is important to investigate and compare the normalized spatial distributions of the haemodynamic metrics.
For reference, we note that it is common practice to use an in-plane resolution ~3–4 mm and slice thickness of 10–15 mm for 129Xe MR imaging of lung ventilation. A time-series of up to 10 images of each slice was acquired; depending on scan parameters, the acquisition time for a single slice with three-directional velocity encoding ranged from 3–5 seconds. Fig 2 shows example 1H anatomical MRI images, along with representative dynamic 129Xe gas PC MR images, in each of the three subjects. The inlet flow rate was computed from the velocity fields for all modalities in the basilar tip and ICA aneurysms to ensure agreement across modalities and is shown in figure 3a,b, respectively.
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Since 129Xe is not normally inhaled, it is useful to determine what sort of breathing maneuver the 129Xe inhalation would represent in air. The concept of dynamic similarity implies that the flow patterns recorded with 129Xe will be equivalent to air flowing at a different flow rate. This equivalent flow rate, QAir, can be calculated by equating the Reynolds numbers of the xenon flow, ReXe, and the equivalent airflow, ReAir. Many airway diseases result in obstruction of the large airways, including obstructive sleep apnea , medialized vocal folds, tracheomalacia, laryngomalacia, bronchomalacia, and subglottic stenosis [1–3]. These diseases often result in multiple sites of obstruction, and/or may occur with comorbid lung abnormalities. Currently, there are no clinical methods to assess the contribution of each site of obstruction to respiratory symptoms.
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The average RRT error caused by voxel averaging was 0.79 (dynes cm−2)−1, a 125% error when normalizing by the mean RRT across all datasets. However, the average OSI bias error caused by voxel averaging was 0.04, a 50% error when normalized by the mean OSI across all datasets. Furthermore, in figure 8, comparing the in vitro and in silico datasets to the in vivo 4D flow, OSI had the most consistent 95% CI bounds across all modalities as well as across full resolution and VA datasets within the same modality.